  • I am not with any associations or teams.
  • MMA
  • 0-0-0-0
  • 125-134
  • 0.0
  • 5'4"
  • Orthodox

Yuhmong Lo

Crescent City, Ca 95531
MMA record - 0-0-0-0
Weight Class - 125-134
I was always into fighting and love to compete. I took kenpo for about three years when i was in middle school. Me and my brothers would box and wrestle with each other and with our friends every weekend. I would out compete all my friends even when they were all bigger than me. Never had any real experience what so ever, I decided to join wrestling in high school since i wanted to be more involved in school and my first year i went to north coast sections. I am currently doing Gracie University at my home with my brothers where me and my brothers train ourselves. My goal is to become the champ at bantam weight.

There are no past fights