  • n/a
  • MMA
  • 0-0-0-0
  • 145-154
  • 0.0
  • 5'10"
  • Southpaw

chris rogers

los angeles, CA 90024
MMA record - 0-0-0-0
Weight Class - 145-154
28 yr practitioner of Southern Shaolin Kung Fu. A very combative, strike-oriented fighting system. My website www.kungfuchris.com gives a complete description of myelf and my style. In a nutshell, i have not ever had a competitive fight nor done tournaments. My teachers discouraged them as they can be quite restrictive and even counter-intuitive as well as counter-productive when it comes to the true development of martial art application. With mma allowing for a more real fight experience as well as the minimal gloves allowing for more hand techniques (compared to a boxing-style big glove), i feel that this is the best outlet for my combative nature. I've recently been in contact with PKG gym in los angeles, and will hopefully be doing some sparring there. I've been training for a mma fight for the better part of a year now.

There are no past fights